Dykes Brewery featured in Höga Kusten Guiden!
Many thanks Höga Kusten Guiden for the nice feature! Download and read the full magazine here.

Dykes Brewery @ Vemdalen Beer Market
On January 19th, we’ll be attending the premiere of the Vemdalen Beer Market at Vemdalsskalets Högfjällshotell. An event where you have the opportunity to learn more about the noble brewing art, talk to the brewers and of course taste a…

Dykes Brewery @ Systembolaget!
Monday, April 4th, it is time for our India Pale Ale to make its debut on Systembolaget’s shelves. It will be in stores in Sundsvall City and Birsta.

Sundsvall Beer 2017!
We’re stoked to announce that we’ll be joining our good friends and fellow, local breweries at Sundsvall Beer Festival 2017! Mark your calendars and get ya tickets! More info over at www.sundsvall.beer

English Porter!
We’re very happy to announce our latest beer! A traditional English Porter at 3.5%, packed with plenty of malty energy, balanced with aromatic hints of chocolate, caramel, coffee and nuts. For the ultimate taste experience, try our English Porter with…